Welcome to CAPNews
The site for ex-members of Computer Analysts & Programmers, CAP-CPP, CAP Group Ltd., CAP Microsoft and other CAP manifestations.

New Pension Administrators

You will see on the right that there has been a change of administrators for the CAP/Sema Pension Scheme. The new administrators, Hymans Robertson, took over from XPS at the very end of January.


Well, it's over! The 7th May, 2022, was a memorable day for the 142 ex-CAPchappers who attended the reunion to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of Computer Analysts and Programmers.

Go over to the CAP60 page to see how it went.

Can you help?

CAP publications

We have received a query from an ex CAPchap regarding some internal publications from back in the 70's

He has a copy of "Programmer's Guide - Part 1 : Basic Principles of Hardware and Software" and is trying to track down a copy of "Programming Principles" from the same series.

If you have a copy and are prepared to give/sell/loan it, please contact us at info@capnews with the details.

Alan Fair

exCAP Open, 22nd June, 2017

See Mike West's summary of the event on the exCAP Open 2017 page.

If you have any photos that you wish to share from this event, please send them, or a link to them, to the webmaster @capnews.org.

The 2018 event will be held on Thursday 21st June.

CAP55 reunion, 28th April, 2017

See Mike West's summary of the event, plus some pictures courtesy of Michael (Mick) Lacey on the CAP55 page.

If you have any photos that you wish to share from this event, please send them, or a link to them, to the webmaster @capnews.org.

Mike West sends his annual Christmas message to all ex-CAP'ers.

Follow the link to read it, and catch up with past years from there.

Westie's festive missive, 2016

Pensions Update No. 28

There has been a follow-up to the "Late Retirement" issue mentioned in update no. 27. Please see this page.

Pensions Update No. 27

There has been a further update from Steve McCarthy regarding the latest position on the CAP pensions, specifically to do with "Late Retirement". Please see this page.

Pensions Update

It was only a year ago, but it has been confirmed that Roger Southgate HAS BEEN re-elected as the "Pensioners Director" on the Atos Pensions Board of Trustees. The "Active Sema" director is Dr. M Reilly.

Pensions Update No. 26

If you have not seen the email from Steve McCarthy regarding the latest position on the CAP pensions, please see this page.

Over 450 members now on CAP Staff 1962-1987

Bob Brock reports:

"The membership of our LinkedIn group has continued to grow, and I'm pleased to announce that we have now passed the 450 mark. I'm in the process of setting up the annual gathering (pub night) in London for late November and will be sending details in a month or so, but it strikes me that it would be good to set a target to have passed the 500 mark by then. So if there are any old colleagues that you're in contact with, but haven't yet joined the group, please consider sending them a link to the LinkedIn site and inviting them to join. Maybe we'll see them in November!"

CAP/Sema Pension

All change, again

From 31st January, 2022, the administration of the 'Atos UK 2019 Pension Scheme' will move from XPS to Hymans Robertson.

For questions about your pension, and notifying change of bank details, contact:

Atos UK 2019 Pension Scheme
Hymans Robertson LLP
TPA Pensioner Payroll Team
PO Box 27170
G2 9NF

Tel: 0141 566 7640
(9am - 5pm, Mon - Fri)

email: TPAPensionerpayroll@hymans.co.uk

For general queries or notify change of address:

Atos UK 2019 Pension Scheme
Hymans Robertson LLP
Administration Team
PO Box 27169
G2 9NE

Tel: 0121 212 8151
(9am - 5pm, Mon - Fri)

email: Atos@hymans.co.uk

(updated 16/03/2022)

In other news ...

Peter Milham R.I.P.
5th December 2023

Arthur Trice R.I.P.
27th November 2023

Ken Camichel R.I.P.
5th November 2023


A page for collecting those far distant memories. Starting with a employee list from 31/12/80. What have you got for us?

If you have anything you would like to contribute to the site, please use the 'Contact Us' link on the left and send a message to Westie or the Webmaster (Alan Fair).