CAP Reunion 2012 - Rugby Tavern

Thanks to everyone who turned out at the Rugby on 28th November. Attendance was down a bit on previous years at 44, as expected in the light of last summer's CAP50 event, but the turnout was better than expected, and everyone seemed to have a good time!

Bob Brock will try to book the same venue for the last Wednesday in November 2013, and hopefully see many of you there. Watch this space for further news!

It's Here

Yes, at last and appropriately on Christmas eve (which many consider the 1st day of Christmas) we have Westie's Christmas message for 2012, what better a gift can there be!!

An important message from Roger Southgate

There are four candidates for the above position. The group of Atos Pensioners will be asked to vote in a ballot to select the chosen candidate by December 14th.

I am the current Pensioner MND and I am standing against three worthy candidates for re-election. I have stated the reasons that I believe that I am the right choice in my election statement (chosen not to exceed the permitted 150 words). I have been in close contact with, and am the chosen candidate of, those Sema Pensioners who are actively arguing the case with the Trustees and the Company for increases to Sema pensions earned by contributions made pre-97. I have, of course been championing this cause within the Board and have reached a point where the Trustees unanimously requested such an increase to be approved by the company last year, but it was turned down by the Company on the grounds of affordability. They have the authority to do so.

I am contacting the Sema Pensioners to re-inforce the message that this cause will be best served by ensuring that we have a Sema representative elected to the Pensioner MND role. The only candidate is myself. The other three are pensioners for each of the other three schemes which do not suffer from lack of inflation rises. There are, however, just more Sema Pensioners than Pensioners from the other three schemes so if the votes are delivered I have a clear advantage. Please will you use your vote to help return me to the Board so that I can continue to progress this issue on behalf of Sema Pensioners, as well as acting diligently to fulfil the role of Trustee with responsibilities to act in the best interest of all scheme beneficiaries.

You should have just received or be about to receive ballot papers for the election. Use your vote to re-elect myself. I cannot promise to get pre-97 pensions increased but I will give it my best shot - it is a clear part of my election mandate. Vote now before you forget. It would be a wasted opportunity if the numerical advantage of Sema pensioners enfranchised in this ballot did not use their votes sufficiently such that one of the candidates from the other schemes was allowed to replace myself on the Board.

Thank you.

Roger Southgate

Under new management

No, this is not a takeover by Sema-Schlumberger-Atos, but a change in the management of the CAPnews website.

Arthur Trice is putting away his keyboard, and hanging up his mouse to take a rest from the joys of managing this website, and the reins have been handed over to Alan Fair (London Industrial/Telecoms 1972 - 1997).

The content has not changed, and Alan can't promise that Mike's "mighty missives" won't get any shorter, but you will begin to see changes to the layout, information moving around and maybe an innovation or two!

A big thank-you to Arthur for keeping the website going, and all done with a text editor and HTML! (That is changing!!).

The CAP50 reunion took place in London on 30th June.

This page will hold the latest reports and photographs as they come in.


On a day when the weather was forecast to be pretty horrendous, and which indeed started so accordingly, in the end a pretty good day was had by all. Thanks to all the recent rain, Sudbury Golf course was possibly in the best condition we have ever seen it over the 35 odd years that we have been going there, and as per usual the club staff and members afforded us their very cordial welcome.

As initially there seemed every chance that we wouldn't be able to get in a full day's golf it was decided that we would skip the customary 9 hole Texas Scamble and go straight into the Open Championship - with a plan (weather permitting) which entailled splitting the Championship into effectively two halves by taking a short 'ploughman's lunch break' after the front nine. Then, again depending on what the weather was doing, playing the Texas Scramble after the back nine of the Championship. Although this seemed to be a tad convoluted, in the end it all worked out well and resulted eventually in our being able to get in the full 27 holes for for the day.And for the seventeen of us who turned up and braved the weather, what an enjoyable day it turned out to be.

While the eventual overall scoring suggested that possibly the standard may not have been of the most scintillating, there were some notable performances, particularly by the defending Champion (Jon Stone) who eventually had to concede his title to a very creditable 35 points by another past Champion, Sue Jackman - who in fact previously won the title way back as Sue Wright. With yet another past winner (indeed CAP Golf's only ever three-times Champion) Andy Buchan coming third - after a count back with Rex Wearn - on 30 points.

While Jon may have had to give way to Sue for the Big One, he was compensated for, to some extent, by being our inaugural winner of Big John's Jug, which was introduced this year to commemorate the sad death of probably CAP Golf's most ardent follower and supporter over its many years, John Ritchie. This trophy, which was awarded for the most stableford points scored on the Par 4 holes, will be played for in future years alongside the CAPPIE. A special 'thank you' incidentally at this point to Dave Webb, for his extra donation to help with the cost of buying the prizes in general, and John's Jug (a replica of the Claret Jug) in particular. Many thanks David.

It was also fitting on the day to remember yet another major influence in the history of CAP Golf - indeed the person who above everyone else symbolises the spirit and comradeship that the event is played for annually, Barney Gibbens, who also sadly passed away recently after a lengthy period of illness. It was Barney indeed, who donated the CAPPIE that has been played for annually, since 1978. A legacy, hopefully, that will continue to be played for, for a good few more years yet.

Both John and Barney are sadly missed but fondly remembered. It was hoped that possibly the inclusion of another trophy might help to ensure that more people actually ended up by winning something but if this year is anything to go by - where the major spoils of victory were shared primarily between Sue and Jon - that wish was somewhat misplaced!

However, while the actual titles may have been confined to a select few, with the weather as it was - and given that we managed to get any golf in at all - I think we were all winners on the day.Thanks to everyone who turned up, especially our guests and Peter Guy - himself a previous Champion - who came all the way from Sydney to play - hopefully, everyone got home safely afterwards.

Here are the results of the 2012 exCAP Open. played on Thursday June 21st at the Sudbury Golf Club, Wembley

Texas Scramble Winners Andy Buchan, Iain McLean and Jon Stone
Mystery Six: Jon Stone Longest Drive: Chris Knight (Guest) Nearest the Pin: Jon Stone
The John Ritchie Jug: Jon Stone Booby prize for the Lowest Score: Dave Webb Tote Money Pot Winner: Peter Guy
Par 3 Champion: Sue Jackman Par 3 Runner Up: Mike West Par 3 Third Place: Brian Currant (Guest)
Open Champion: Sue Jackman Open Ronner Up: Jon Stone Open Third Place: Andy Buchan