exCAP Open Golf Results 2008

From CAPnews Golf Correspondent - Arthur Trice.

The lead up to the US Open took place at Sudbury GC in west London on a chilly but at least dry 12th June where 27 ex-CAPers and their guests teed off on a nine hole Texas Scramble in the morning, followed by the BIG ONE, the ex-CAP Open over 18 holes.

The course was in excellent condition and the competitions were fiercly fought, with some outstanding golf and, unfortunately, I have to admit!, some appallingly mediocre golf - but that was just me!

The day ended with an excellent dinner, good conversation and reminiscences, followed by Westie's appalling jokes and the presentations to the winners.

The prize winners were:-

Texas Scramble with 35 pts. gross (30.1 net) : Ian Bays, John Brookhouse, Frank Perkins, Eric Philllips.

Longest Drive : Dave Barton

Nearest the Pin : Chris Knight

Par 3 Winner : Chris Knight (12 pts)

Par 3 - R/U : Peter Bayer (9) Placed 2nd.by scoring more overall points (32)

Par 3 - 3rd. : Peter Guy (9) placed 3rd ditto ditto next highest ditto (31)

Par 3 - 4th : Andrew Fox (9) placed 4th ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto (28)

Open Champion : Chris Knight (37 pts) but because he is not ex-CAPer cannot win the CAPii

Runner UP : Mike West (35 pts) - Winner of the CAPii

Third Place : Les Wilson (34 pts)

Finally all will appreciate that the organiser of this illustrious competition for the past million years has at last fulfilled his lifetime ambition - to receive the CAPii - well done Mike.

Arthur Trice presents the CAPii to Westie
Photo by kind permission of Frank Perkins